Angular 2 Authentication: How to Restrict Access to Pages?

Tags: Angularjs, Angular 2, How To
28 August 2017

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Every real world web application has two parts. One- which requires authentication and authorization to access. And two- which is accessible to the public without any authorization.

Restricting access to private data has always been a problem. There are workarounds and solutions, yes. But never could I find a fool proof one.

Until Angular 2 happened. Restricting access to the private data is made super simple in Angular 2. So let's dive in and see a simple example on how to do so. Follow the demo here for better understanding.

Route Guard

The trick to restricting the access to your private routes is to use canActivate property exposed by the router in Angular 2. canActivate takes in a guard function where you can implement a logic which will decide whether or not to activate the route.

Let's see how we can declare canActivate on routes:

export const appRouting : Routes = [
path: 'user',
canActivate: [AuthGuard],
component: UserComponent
path: 'anonymous',
component: AnonymousComponent

Notice canActivate property on user route. It takes a class called AuthGuard where I have implemented the logic to whether or not to activate the route.

Now let's see how AuthGuard class is implemented.

Our AuthGuard class is actually an Injectable service. We want the class to implement CanActivate interface. So, let's import the necessary things first.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Router, CanActivate } from '@angular/router';
import { AuthService } from './auth.service';

Now that we have imported the necessary service we can now implement our logic.

export class AuthGuard implements CanActivate {
base_url: string;
constructor(private router: Router
, private authService: AuthService) {}
canActivate() {
// Check to see if a user has a valid token
if (this.authService.isAuthenticated()) {
// If they do, return true and allow the user to load app
return true;
// If not, they redirect them to the login page
return false;

To implement CanActivate interface the class has to implement canActivate function which returns a boolean. Now, let's dive into the details of the logic of it.

First, it checks if the user is authenticated. The logic for which is implemented in the authService. We will look into that later.

If the user is already authenticated, we return true which means the restricted route can be accessed by the user. But, if the user is not authenticated we redirect the user to a public route- /anonymous in this case and return false. Returning false prevents the user from accessing the restricted route.

Now, let's see what the AuthService class contain. I won't go into the details here because the only function we are interested right now is the isAuthenticated function. Which looks like this:

isAuthenticated() {
// get the auth token from localStorage
let token = localStorage.getItem('access_token');
// check if token is set, then...
if (token) {
return true;
return false;

The access_token is the authentication token which is returned when user login into the app. In this demo app, we store access_token to the local storage of the browser. When user logouts from the app we remove the token from the local storage.

The isAuthenticated function just checks whether we have authentication token in the local storage. If we have it, the user is already authenticated and it is safe to allow him the access to the restricted route. So we return true. Else we return false.

That is it. We have covered the heart of the process to guard our private routes.


If you see the complete demo, I have implemented two components namely, anonymous and user component which represents public and private routes respectively.

Have fun with the demo and let me know what do you think of this solution for protecting the private routes of your application. Isn't it fool proof?

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